and lsquo;Peace and rsquo; a five-letter word is so powerful that its existence comes in our lite in pieces only. Against all wants, and with all wants, still, we all want to have peace and to attain it we can travel miles or isolate ourselves for hours. Peace has distinct correlations for all; it can be an everyday process, and agrave; day-to-day problem, liberty, a reward, a precious possession of humanity or it may be termed as beautiful, the list is eternal. The nomenclature of peace is simple incomprehension but complex in engineering.
It becomes enduring to witness communities who deprive others of living with peace, but then some communities and organizations are endeavoring and thriving in sustaining peace locally, regionally, nationally, and globally The global organization UNESCO, Preamble to the Constitution declares that "since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed
Devotedly and constantly, defenses of peace must be constructed. And this construction can only be possible and viable when everyone does their bit. Artists fraternity equally plays a pivotal role as any form of art is $O creative that it promises attainment of inner peace and they should continue in Building artworks that are a harbinger of peace for the eyes of viewers or peace seekers
Takhte feels honored and most importantly contented in bridging the peacemaker UNESCO with the peace contributors artists of eminence and acclaim n displaying their artworks at the UNESCO House India. The artworks evoke peace and at the same time rationally fall under a few of the Sustainable Development Goals (1-17) adopted by the United Nations general A5sermbly in September 2015, which aim to build a more prosper
0us, more equal, and the more secure world by the year 2030
Drawing & Painting Classes in Chennai, Madurai, Trichy, Karaikudi, Bangalore, Mumbai | Arts Class
This course is from The Tamil Nadu Dr. J Jayalalithaa Music and Fine Arts University
This course is mainly designed for students after 10th grade and above. The duration of the course is one year, and it is offered by a The Tamil Nadu Dr. J Jayalalithaa Music and Fine Arts University.
Certificate Course in Fine Arts - Painting